
Molly’s Mutts has been thoughtfully designed to accommodate dogs of various sizes and temperaments.

We offer comprehensive evaluations for tailored care that suits your dogs needs.

Our high end facilities were designed with dog comfort in mind and include the following features:

  • Size specific designated areas for small, medium, and large breeds.
  • Large Inside and Outside play areas
  • Padded inside floors, artificial pet friendly grass outdoors
  • Splash pad and kiddie pools during Summer months
  • Small, medium, and large dog play areas
  • Seperate meet & greet ares for new members
  • All play areas adjust in size due to daily volume of dogs
  • Fully maintained, dedicated supervision in all areas
  • Indoor play areas heated / air conditioned for comfort
  • Video app allows consistent and high quality viewing of your pet
  • Quiet time areas for overstimulated members
  • Covered spools, benches, & beds throughout the play areas